World History Questions 1

1. Discuss how the biblical values affected the development of the Western civilization. The biblical values that were passed through the developing Western world encouraged freedom and the concept of God over rulers. While other countries and nations were struggling with tyrannical power, the Church in the west refused to give ultimate power to kinds and emperors of the time. Many wars occurred, too, due to the conflict of religious beliefs.

2. Why is it important to study history? History provides you with not only examples of how mankind has failed and succeeded before, but also what issues have already been sorted through and how they ended, while media would claim that such things have never happened before.

3. What is a civilization? How do the terms culture and civilization relate to each other? A civilization is a society in one place, large or small, that share a culture and country.

4. What was the Confucius' view of government and good social order? Confucius believed that the government needed to care most about providing food, maintaining order, and earning people's confidence. Ability resulted from character, and all should be educated, or at least have the chance to be.

5. How did Islam spread? Name some factors leading to the decline of Islamic empires. Islam spread through great empire expansion and forced conversion in many areas. However, this mix of people still nationalistic to their old countries pre-invasion encouraged them to split the empire apart as soon as it became weak and corrupt.


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